MayFly Data Logger Code
//Sample sketch for logging light and temp/humidity data to microSD card on EnviroDIY Mayfly v1.0
//This sketch does not put the logger to sleep; it is constantly power, so it's not intended for long-term deployments
#include <Arduino.h>
#include<DHT.h> // This library is for temp & humid sensor
#include <Wire.h> // This library is included with the Arduino IDE, and allows communication with I2C/TWI devices
#include "Sodaq_DS3231.h" // Install this library to interact with the Real Time Clock
#include <SD.h> // This library is for the SD CARD
#include <SPI.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
//Data wire is plugged into port 7 on Mayfly
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 7
#define SD_SS_PIN 12
#define FILE_NAME "Datafile.txt"
#define LOGGERNAME "Mayfly Light/Humidity/Temperature Logger"
#define DATA_HEADER "DateTime_UTC,Loggertime,BatteryV,Humidity_percent,Temp_C,Water_temp,Light"
#define DHTPIN 5 // Specifies the pin connected to the DHT signal.
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
// Pass the OneWire reference to Dallas Temp
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
String dataRec = "";
int currentminute;
int currentyear;
int currentmonth;
int currentdate;
int currenthour;
long currentepochtime = 0;
//float boardtemp = 0.0;
float lightpercent = 0;
int batteryPin = A6; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int batterysenseValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
float batteryvoltage; // the calculated battery voltage in volts
void setup ()
Serial.println("Mayfly SHT40-Light Logger");
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(20, OUTPUT);
greenred4flash(); //blink the LEDs to show the board is on
dht.begin(); //start dht sensor
Serial.println("---------------EnviroDIY Mayfly: ver 1.1------------ ");
Serial.println("| | ");
Serial.println("|Contact: Douglas Fessler | ");
Serial.println("|Date: April 21, 2022 | ");
Serial.println("|Email: FESSLER.DOUGLAS@GMAIL.COM | ");
Serial.println("| | ");
Serial.println("---------------------------------------------------- ");
void loop ()
sensors. requestTemperatures(); //send command to get waterprobe temp
float tempF = sensors.getTempFByIndex(0);
tempF = tempF - .7;
digitalWrite(8, HIGH); // turn on the green LED to let you know a sample is being taken
dataRec = createDataRecord();
int light = analogRead(A4); // read the analog light sensor
lightpercent = light/10.23; // scales light reading as a percentage
// float h = dht.readHumidity();
//float t = dht.readTemperature();
dataRec += ",";
addFloatToString(dataRec, dht.readHumidity(),2,2);
dataRec += ",";
addFloatToString(dataRec, dht.readTemperature(true),2,2);
dataRec += ",";
addFloatToString(dataRec, tempF,2,2);
dataRec += ",";
addFloatToString(dataRec, lightpercent, 2, 1);
dataRec += light;
Serial.print("Data Record: ");
Serial.println(dataRec); // print the data record to the serial monitor
String dataRec = "";
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
void setupLogFile()
//Initialise the SD card
if (!SD.begin(SD_SS_PIN))
Serial.println("Error: SD card failed to initialise or is missing.");
for (int r=1; r <= 10; r++) // flash the red LED 10 times to let you know there's no memory card
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
//Check if the file already exists
bool oldFile = SD.exists(FILE_NAME);
//Open the file in write mode
File logFile =, FILE_WRITE);
//Add header information if the file did not already exist
if (!oldFile)
//Close the file to save it
void logData(String rec)
//Re-open the file
File logFile =, FILE_WRITE);
//Write the CSV data
//Close the file to save it
String createDataRecord()
//Create a String type data record in csv format
String data = getDateTime();
data += ",";
batterysenseValue = analogRead(batteryPin);
batteryvoltage = (3.3/1023.) * 4.7 * batterysenseValue;
data += currentepochtime;
data += ",";
addFloatToString(data, batteryvoltage, 4, 2);
return data;
static void addFloatToString(String & str, float val, char width, unsigned char precision)
char buffer[10];
dtostrf(val, width, precision, buffer);
str += buffer;
String getDateTime()
String dateTimeStr;
//Create a DateTime object from the current time
DateTime dt(rtc.makeDateTime(;
currentepochtime = (dt.get()); //Unix time in seconds
currentyear = (dt.year());
currentmonth = (dt.month());
currentdate = (;
currenthour = (dt.hour());
currentminute = (dt.minute());
//Convert it to a String
return dateTimeStr;
// shows how long the board has been running counts up by seconds,minutes, hours
uint32_t getNow()
currentepochtime =;
return currentepochtime;
void greenred4flash() // blink the red/green LEDs rapidly a few times at startup
for (int i=1; i <= 4; i++){
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);