Disclaimer: This project is for educational purposes only. I assume no responsibility for any misuse or accidents resulting from replicating this project. Always prioritize safety and follow local regulations when working with rocket launch mechanisms. 

This code allows remote triggering of a rocket launch by sending a specific command via serial communication to the Arduino. It incorporates safety measures by requiring user input to initiate the launch and provides feedback via the serial monitor. 

Materials Required:

By following these steps, you can wire up the rocket launch system to an Arduino and safely test its functionality. Remember to exercise caution and follow all safety precautions to prevent accidents.

Arduino code below with detailed comments explaining each part to someone who's new to programming 

/****************************************** * Author: Douglas Fessler * Date: 2017.12.12 * Description: Arduino code for remotely launching a rocket via serial communication. *  ******************************************/
// Define the relay pinint relayPin = 3;
// Variable to store incoming serial commandString command;
void setup() {  // Initialize serial communication at baud rate 9600  Serial.begin(9600);
  // Delay for 2 seconds  delay(2000);
  // Print warning message and instructions on serial monitor  Serial.println("               WARNING                     ");  Serial.println(" Make sure nobody is around the launch site");  Serial.println("|-----------------------------------------|");  Serial.println("|                                         |");  Serial.println("|The system is ARMED, type LAUNCH to fire!|");  Serial.println("|                                         |");  Serial.println("|-----------------------------------------|");
  // Set relay pin as output  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);}
void loop() {  // Check if there's any serial data available  if (Serial.available()) {    // Read the serial input until a newline character is encountered    command = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
    // Remove leading and trailing whitespaces from the command    command.trim();
    // Check the received command    if (command.equals("LAUNCH")) {      // Activate the relay pin to trigger the rocket launch mechanism      digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);            // Wait for 5 seconds      delay(5000);
      // Deactivate the relay pin      digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
      // Print confirmation message and rocket ASCII art      Serial.println("|-----------------------------------------|");      Serial.println("|                                         |");      Serial.println("|      THE ROCKET HAS BEEN LAUNCHED       |");      Serial.println("|                                         |");      Serial.println("|-----------------------------------------|");      Serial.println("                   /\\                     ");      Serial.println("                   ||                      ");      Serial.println("                   ||                      ");      Serial.println("                  /||\\                     ");      Serial.println("                 /:||:\\                    ");      Serial.println("                 |:||:|                    ");      Serial.println("                 |/||\\|                    ");      Serial.println("                   **                      ");      Serial.println("                   **                      ");    } else if (command.equals("send") || command.equals("data") || command.equals("reboot")) {      // Do nothing for these commands (placeholders for future functionalities)    } else {      // If the command is not recognized, print "Invalid command"      Serial.println("Invalid command");    }  }}

Now, let's go through each part:

Overall, this code allows remote triggering of a rocket launch by sending a specific command via serial communication to the Arduino. It incorporates safety measures by requiring user input to initiate the launch and provides feedback via the serial monitor.


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