arduino morse code Fox hunt beacon


Please note that broadcasting data on the CW (morse code) network requires a valid amateur radio license. In the United States, this typically entails obtaining at least a Technician Class license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Legal Requirements:

Amateur radio operators are subject to regulations set forth by their respective national regulatory authorities. These regulations govern the allocation and usage of radio frequencies, as well as the permissible modes of communication. 

License Requirement:

To legally transmit on the CW network, you must hold an appropriate amateur radio license. In the United States, the Technician Class license is the entry-level license that grants privileges to operate on certain frequencies and modes, including those used for CW (Morse code) communication. 

Compliance with Regulations:

It is essential to comply with all applicable regulations and licensing requirements when operating amateur radio equipment. Failure to do so may result in legal consequences, including fines and penalties. 

Responsibility of Operators:

As licensed amateur radio operators, we have a responsibility to operate our equipment in a manner that promotes safety, professionalism, and respect for the radio spectrum. This includes adhering to established operating procedures and respecting the privacy and rights of other users. 

Get Licensed:

If you're interested in becoming an amateur radio operator and gaining access to the exciting world of CW and other radio communication technologies, we encourage you to pursue obtaining your amateur radio license. Resources and study materials are available to help you prepare for the licensing exam and embark on your journey into amateur radio. 

Disclaimer Acknowledgment:

By accessing or using the information provided on this website related to CW and amateur radio, you acknowledge and agree to abide by all applicable regulations and licensing requirements governing the operation of amateur radio equipment. 

This Arduino sketch is designed to control a Baofeng UV-5R handheld transceiver for a fox hunt, where participants search for a hidden transmitter by following its signal. The program sends a Morse code representation of the user's call sign followed by a message and a long tone, making it easier for participants to locate the transmitter. 

How the Program Works:


Circuit Requirements:

The Circuit


Tinker Cad

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Parts List


The Arduino code

/* * Author: Douglas Fessler * Date: August 23, 2024 * Program Name: Baofeng UV-5R Fox Hunt Transmitter * Description: * This program controls a Baofeng UV-5R handheld transceiver to transmit a Morse code  * representation of the user's call sign followed by a long tone for use in a fox hunt.  * The PTT (Push-to-Talk) is controlled via a 2N2222 transistor, and a diode is used  * for protection against voltage spikes. The call sign and message can be easily updated  * by changing the string variable in the code. */
#define PTT_PIN 2#define BUZZER_PIN 3#define TONE_FREQUENCY 1000  // Frequency in Hz for the Morse code#define LONG_TONE_FREQUENCY 500  // Frequency in Hz for the fox hunt tone#define DIT_DURATION 100  // Duration of a dot in milliseconds
String callSign = "kb3won";  // Your call signString foxHuntMessage = " fox hunt beacon";  // Fox hunt message
void setup() {  pinMode(PTT_PIN, OUTPUT);  pinMode(BUZZER_PIN, OUTPUT);}
void loop() {  // Key up the transmitter  digitalWrite(PTT_PIN, HIGH);
  // Send Morse code for the call sign and fox hunt message  sendMorse(callSign);  sendMorse(foxHuntMessage);
  // Send a long tone for fox hunting  tone(BUZZER_PIN, LONG_TONE_FREQUENCY);  delay(5000);  // Adjust the duration as needed  noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
  // Unkey the transmitter  digitalWrite(PTT_PIN, LOW);
  // Wait before repeating the sequence  delay(60000);  // Wait for 1 minute before repeating the sequence}
void sendMorse(String text) {  for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {    sendMorseCharacter(text[i]);  }}
void sendMorseCharacter(char c) {  switch (c) {    case 'a': sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case 'b': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case 'c': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case 'd': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case 'e': sendDit(); break;    case 'f': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case 'g': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case 'h': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case 'i': sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case 'j': sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case 'k': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case 'l': sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case 'm': sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case 'n': sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case 'o': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case 'p': sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case 'q': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case 'r': sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case 's': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case 't': sendDah(); break;    case 'u': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case 'v': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case 'w': sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case 'x': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case 'y': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case 'z': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case '1': sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case '2': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case '3': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case '4': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDah(); break;    case '5': sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case '6': sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case '7': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case '8': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); sendDit(); break;    case '9': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDit(); break;    case '0': sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); sendDah(); break;    case ' ': delay(7 * DIT_DURATION); break;  // Word space  }  delay(3 * DIT_DURATION);  // Character space}
void sendDit() {  tone(BUZZER_PIN, TONE_FREQUENCY, DIT_DURATION);  delay(DIT_DURATION);  noTone(BUZZER_PIN);  delay(DIT_DURATION);  // Inter-element space}
void sendDah() {  tone(BUZZER_PIN, TONE_FREQUENCY, 3 * DIT_DURATION);  delay(3 * DIT_DURATION);  noTone(BUZZER_PIN);  delay(DIT_DURATION);  // Inter-element space}

Contact Us

For inquiries or more information about the project, please feel free to contact Douglas Fessler at or through the contact page on this website.


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